Today we delve into the first act of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.
- We shall begin with a quick understanding of the setting and the action. See slide show.
- Then we will consider the inner lives and motivations of the main characters. (Cue handout).
- We will finish by assessing what Act 1 reveals about the types of stories it tells.
For Wednesday, March 22
Write Journal # 3 after reading THIS HANDOUT and watching these clips containing Hamlet's first soliloquy
- Tony Richardson's Hamlet (Nicol Williams as Hamlet) http://www.tcm.com/mediaroom/video/640310/Hamlet-Movie-Clip-Frailty-Thy-Name-Is-Woman.html
- Franco Zefirelli's Hamlet (Mel Gibson as Hamlet) https://youtu.be/KJmWpR-4AIg
- Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet (Branagh as Hamlet) https://youtu.be/XjZsQtrp1WQ
- Gregory Doran's (David Tennant as Hamlet) https://youtu.be/QRv3lktDjro
- Yukio Ninagawa's Hamlet (Fujiwara Tatsuya as Hamlet) https://youtu.be/Qxu0Nu7lZwc